Quality Score of a Keyword is related towards the performance of the Keyword participating in an auction and it is a real time calculation when the auction is being conducted and the keyword is eligible to participate. Quality score does is tied with the Adtext, Campaign, Account and Website Performance.
The quality score binds directly with the URL but it has other factors influencing the score.Please be mindful that the Quality score is not influenced by Google Display Network but it soley relaies on Search Network.
Tips Improving Quality Score:
- Always build the Campaign, AdGroup, Adtext and Keyword which are tightly Knitted. A thorough check is vital to be done immediately to see the Quality Score of the keyword.
- Dynamic Keyword Insertion in the Text Ads helps improve the overall Qualty Score of the Keyword.
- It is all about relevancy - Keyword should be relevant with the Adtext, AdGroup and the most important Landing Page URL and its Content.
- Initial Bid should be high enough to accrue higher CTR which would improve Quality Score and the actual CPC which is to be paid.